About 13,000 deaths occur each year in the United States from aortic aneurysms. An aneurysm occurs when an artery’s wall weakens and causes an abnormally large bulge. This bulge can rupture and cause internal bleeding. Although an aneurysm can occur in any part of your body, they’re most common in the:
- Brain
- Aorta
- Legs
- Spleen
Brief history about Aneurysm
Earliest records of abdominal aorta aneurysm in history come from Ancient Rome in the 2nd century AD. Greek surgeon Antyllus tried to treat the aneurysm with proximal and distal ligature, central incision and removal of thrombotic material from the aneurysm. The surgical management of aneurysms however dates back to 3000 years.
Surgical history of Aneurysm
Surgery was unsuccessful until 1923. In that year, Rudolph Matas performed the first successful aortic ligation on a human. Other non-conventional methods that were tried included wrapping the aorta with polyethene cellophane, which induced fibrosis and restricted the growth of the aneurysm. Over the course of surgical history arose three landmark developments in aortic surgery. These were:
- Ligation or tying up of the aorta
- Open repair of the bulging artery
- Endovascular repair of the artery
Epidemiology about aneurysm
The prevalence of AAA varies with a number of factors, including advancing age, family history, gender and tobacco use. The prevalence of AAAs larger than 2.9 cm in diameter ranges from 1.9% to 18.5% in men and 0% to 4.2% in women, the ranges being explained by the different age groups used and the differences in case-mix.
The prevalence of AAAs in women is currently considered too low for their inclusion in ultrasonographic screening programmes and stratified analyses in the various RCTs. Wanhainen recently demonstrated that prevalence in women is underestimated by using the standard definition for AAA of a 30 mm diameter. The prevalence for 65–75-year-old was 16.9% for men and 3.5% for women, whereas when using another definition, ≥1.5 × normal infrarenal aortic diameter (predicted from a nomogram), the prevalence was 12.9% for men and 9.8% for women.
Types of Aneurysms
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm
An aortic aneurysm is a weakened or bulging area on the wall of the aorta. An abdominal aortic aneurysm occurs when the large blood vessel (the aorta) that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis and legs becomes abnormally large or balloons outward. This type of aneurysm is most often found in men over age 60 who have at least one or more risk factor, including emphysema, family history, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and smoking. The rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is a medical emergency, and only about 20 percent of patients survive.
An aortic aneurysm is a weakened or bulging area on the wall of the aorta.
Symptoms of abdominal aortic aneurysm includes:
- Chest pain and Jaw pain, are generally associated with a heart attack, but the sudden stabbing, radiating pain, fainting, difficulty breathing, and sometimes even sudden weakness on one side are also symptoms of an aortic event.
- Cerebral Aneurysm or Brain Aneurysm
Cerebral aneurysms, which affect about 5 percent of the population, occur when the wall of a blood vessel in the brain becomes weakened and bulges or balloons out. There are many types of aneurysms. The most common, a “berry aneurysm,” is more common in adults. It can range in size from a few millimeters to more than a centimeter. A family history of multiple berry aneurysms may increase your risk.
Conditions that injure or weaken the walls of the blood vessel, including atherosclerosis, trauma or infection, may also cause cerebral aneurysms. Other risk factors include medical conditions such as polycystic kidney disease, narrowing of the aorta and endocarditis. Like other types of aneurysm, cerebral aneurysms may not have any symptoms. Symptoms may include:
- Severe headache
- Double vision
- Loss of vision
- Headaches
- Eye pain
- Neck pain
- Stiff neck
- Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm
A thoracic aortic aneurysm is an abnormal bulging or ballooning of the portion of the aorta that passes through the chest.
The most common cause is atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Other risk factors include:
- Aging
- Genetic conditions, such as Marfan syndrome
- Inflammation of the aorta
- Injury from falls or other trauma
- Syphilis
A patient with an aneurysm may not experience any symptoms until the aneurysm begins to “leak” blood into nearby tissue or expand. Symptoms of a thoracic aortic aneurysm may include:
- Hoarseness
- Swallowing problems
- High-pitched breathing
- Swelling in the neck
- Chest or upper back pain
- Clammy skin
- Nausea and vomiting
- Rapid heart rate
- Sense of impending doom
A person may inherit the tendency to form aneurysms, or aneurysms may develop because of hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and aging. The following risk factors may increase your risk for an aneurysm or, if you already have an aneurysm, may increase your risk of it rupturing:
- Surgical clipping. This surgery involves placing a small metal clip around the base of the aneurysm to isolate it from normal blood circulation. This decreases the pressure on the aneurysm and prevents it from rupturing. Whether this surgery can be done depends on the location of the aneurysm, its size, and your general health.
The best way to prevent an aortic aneurysm is to avoid the factors that put you at higher risk for one. They are as follows:
- Smoking is a greater risk factor for aneurysm than it is for atherosclerosis, the cardiovascular disease where fatty deposits accumulate on the arterial wall and which can weaken artery walls.
- A healthy diet includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It also includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, and fat-free or low-fat milk or milk products. A healthy diet is low in saturated fat, Tran’s fat, cholesterol, sodium (salt), and added sugar.
Source Arterial Disorders
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